
B. Raman sez al-Qaeda behind Delhi bombings
A terrorism expert has said that Al-Qaeda and the International Islamic Front, that comprises Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad, may be responsible for the October 29 blasts in Delhi.

B Raman, a distinguished fellow and convenor at the International Terrorism Watch Programme of Observer Research Foundation, said that only the Al-Qaeda and IIF have the capability to organise such well-coordinated blasts in a place like Delhi.

Raman stressed that the terrorist outfits might be targeting India because of its open alignment with the US as the blasts had occurred within three months of the recent visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to the United States.

He also said that it is significant to note that the blasts took place a day after the Al Quds Day and three days before Diwali. The Al Quds Day is observed on the last Friday of the Ramzan fasting period to condemn the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem where the holy mosque of Al Quds is located.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2006-01-12